Marketing strategies in the pharmaceutical industry: Crafting patient-centric campaigns
What is effective marketing? Effective pharmaceutical marketing combines a wide range of tactics, including digital campaigns, educational programmes for healthcare professionals, and patient support initiatives. The goal is to provide valuable information and support to all stakeholders in the healthcare ecosystem. Key takeaways from this blog: Evolution of pharmaceutical marketing strategies Pharmaceutical marketing faces unique […]
Black health disparities: Bridging the gap for brighter futures
Black people in the UK and US face serious health challenges compared to other groups. Read this blog to understand the current barriers and how to improve access to care.
3 tips to consider when highlighting patient diversity for your clinical trial awareness materials
So you’ve committed to making sure that your patient recruitment is as diverse as possible, but you just don’t seem to be reaching diverse groups. You feel like you’re taking all the right steps, so what’s going wrong? It may be something as seemingly simple as your choice of stock photos and videos.
Achieve Clinical Trial Diversity by Eliminating Bias and Introducing Cultural Safety
If you’ve had a look through our website, or know about our Demand Diversity campaign, you’ll be familiar with our mission to improve diversity within clinical trials. While this remains a complex issue that requires a range of approaches to achieve real, long-term change, there is so much you can be doing already. It’s time to take a step back and consider one of the roots of this issue: bias.
The Importance of a Thank You in Clinical Research
In this blog, we discuss the meaning of gratitude, while asking, in healthcare —what does it mean to say thank you to your clinical trial participants?
Harnessing the power of patient co‑creation
What can patient co-creation do for your organisation? Read this blog to discover the importance of patient engagement in the development of medical research.
Why we need to enhance gender and sex diversity in clinical trials
True diversity isn’t achieved without considering the gender spectrum. Read this blog to discover why gender inclusion must be considered in clinical trials.
Leave no-one behind: Why the language we use is crucial
Our words hold power, so we need to learn how to use them well. This blog discusses why complex terminology should be avoided when talking to patients.
The time is now: A closer look at the DEPICT and DIVERSE Trials Act
The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 has opened a world of new opportunities for improving diversity in clinical trials. Find out how in this blog.
Steps towards breaking down religious and cultural barriers to clinical trial participation
People’s beliefs play a huge role in their approach to clinical trials. Read this blog to learn how you can overcome cultural barriers.