Creative communications

Creative communications

Creative communications involve innovative methods to convey research findings and insights. Through visual storytelling, interactive media, and engaging narratives, it transforms complex data into accessible content. This approach fosters understanding, sparks interest, and facilitates broader dissemination, bridging the gap between researchers and the general public. 


People remember only 10% of what they hear and 20% of what they read, but they remember about 80% of what they see and do


Infographics can increase comprehension by up to 50%, as they break down complex information into digestible visuals


  • Our strategic and creative experts work with you to develop content that’s engaging, informative, and easy to understand
  • We pinpoint the most powerful ways to communicate with your target audience
  • We help to unlock your ability to educate and empower people through your communications
  • We enhance your internal communications to make sure your employees have the information they need, in the way they need it

How we do it

Co-creation workshops

Visual story telling

Design thinking

Creative data visualisation

Creative problem solving

Motion design and animation

What the service can do for you
  1. Reach the people you need, with the information they need, through effective targeting and segmentation, and personalised marketing messaging
  2. Successfully maintain a consistent brand image and cohesive messaging across various markets, products, and channels, and ensure all your marketing strategies are integrated and co-ordinated
  3. Keep up with customer trends, respond quickly to market changes, and measure the effectiveness of your marketing initiatives, so you can stay in-the-know with what’s working and what isn’t

Transform complex findings into compelling narratives that captivate, educate, and inspire

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